Rock Solid American Standard English, Business, Technology and Culture

What Could You Accomplish if You Were to Learn American Standard English, Business, Technology and Culture from a Native American Standard English Speaker Having an Extensive Successful Business, Finance, and Technology Background?

Coaching Services


One-on-one individualized coaching in American Standard English

Based on your goals and needs and your current English language skills we progress through individually-tailored coaching. The approach is agile from the start and throughout, using two-way feedback to work with your learning style and to move toward your goals, all at a pace that works for you. The focus can be on conversational English with or without cultural aspects, or written English with or without cultural aspects, or both, as you prefer. One or more sessions per week are recommended for best results. Sessions are one hour in length and the session fee is $30 per hour.

Optional Profession-oriented coaching in American Standard English

Optionally, your coaching can be structured around certain fields of interest. The options include: American Standard English for business and finance careers, and American Standard English for technology contexts

Benefits of Coaching Services


In Your Work Life

Convey your ideas more persuasively to friends, co-workers and customers by using words more like a native English speaker.

Conduct presentations more easily and confidently by knowing you use words and culture more like a native English speaker. When you know that people easily understand your meaning, your public speaking will flow better beacuse you are freed from anxiety experienced in the past.

In Your Social Life

Interact more confidently and smoothly in social and networking settings (even with people you just met for the first time) by using words and cultural thinking more like a native English speaker.

About How American Standard English Has Helped Me

SCHOOL: Command of Standard American English has been pivotal to a long and consistent track record of academic excellence: I earned an MBA (Finance concentration) with honors from Virginia Tech and also earned a Juris Doctor (JD) from George Mason University School of Law, graduating with distinction as class valedictorian, on law review, and with American Jurisprudence awards in Business Associations (corporations), Bankruptcy, Constitutional Law and Products Liability.
WORK: Command of Standard American English has been pivotal to a long and consistent track record of career successes. Some of these are summarized in this slide show: